Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto

Thursday, January 27, 2011

新燃岳の噴火 Mt.Shinmoedake Eruption

鹿児島と宮崎の県境にあるとても美しい霧島連峰の一つ、新燃岳が今日27日に大噴火しました幸いにも、人命への影響はなかったようです。 (写真 映像。




”ようこそ宮崎” のサイトによると、最近の火山活動としては昭和34年 (1959年)に2回の噴火があったそうです。新燃岳の斜面には霧島連山随一といわれた、ミヤマキリシマの大群落があり、そのときの噴火でかなり打撃をうけたそうです。1959年の噴火以前の新燃岳は美しい水をたたえ、火口壁には緑の樹林もあったそうです。今回の噴火ではどうなったのでしょうか。霧島連山は活動火山ですが、登山愛好家が登られる韓国岳や私もキャンプに行った事のある森の中の神秘的で美しい御池の湖はそのままでいてくれたらよいのですが。。”ようこそ宮崎”のサイト に掲載してあります美しい大自然の霧島連山をご覧ください。

The eruption occurred at Mt. Shinmoedake in Miyazaki/Kagoshima yesterday and today.  Miyazaki is my hometown... It was a big erruption (2500m high smoke).  The last eruption occurred  was 52 years ago.  Mt. Shinmoedake is one of the Kirishima Mountain Range and is an active volcano. My parent's is about an hour away by drive so it does not a direct effect, but still they can feel the vibration of  windows and rumbling from the mountain. 

My niece called me today to tell about the big eruption. The vibration of windows and rumbling started in the late night of 26th, and my family did not know what was going on, but Merry (family dog) kept crying and barking unusually. In the morning, the small eruption occurred at Mt. Shimonoedake. The vibration of the windows are still the same as of now. My niece was so scared that she had to go to her grandma's house for study her homework.  A night has passed but nothing has changed....then a big eruption with enormous noise occurred around 4 pm today (see link above). My mom was at supermarket at the time of the eruption, and all the people in the store dashed out when they heard the sound of the eruption.  The volcano is still burning.....the color of the mountain nearby my parents changed to red color reflecting the active volcano, Mt.Shinmoedake.  Hope Shinmoetake will be calm down soon......  No one injured as far as I know.

Below are beautiful photos of Kirishima Mountain Range including Mt. Shinmoedake.

Mt. Shinmoedake (blue water)  and Mt. Karakuni (far) Many people go hiking in these mountain to see the bird eye view of Miyazaki plane.

韓国岳からの新燃岳 A view from Mt. Shinmoedake from Mt. Karakunidake

美しい ミヤマキリシマ beautiful  Miyamakirishia
                                                                           Mysterious Lake Mi-Ike where I did camping when I was a junior high

                                                 Owesome view of Kirishima Mountain Range in Miyazaki/Kagoshima in Kyushu