Superior Japanese Twin Room at Yumiya Komachi in Kyoto

Monday, January 31, 2011

舞妓追っかけおじさん Maiko Groopy?


その可愛い2人の舞妓さんが、立ち止まって楽しそうにお喋りをしている所を通り過ぎると、なにやら、はるか向こうに見えるは、いつもの舞妓追っかけのカメラを持ったおじさん3人組ではないか。またいるの?なんだか、もうおじさん達の顔覚えちゃいましたよ! ”へ~おじさんも、若い女の子のように追っかけするんだ~”と、最初はびっくりしたけど、雨の日も雪の日もとなると、この追っかけおじさんたちも可愛いもんだと思えてきました(笑い)。次回は写真つきでご紹介?

I saw a Maiko in her casual Kimono when I stepped out of my vacation rental house (Miyagawa Komachi,  Gion Kyoto, Japan) and walked through out of  a narrow back street to Miyagawa-Suji Street.  This Maiko might have gone to a tea ceremony, to a Japanese dance practice or gone for some errands.

After passing this young Keisha apprentice, I saw three older men who were standing in a far distance with their cameras on their hands. Oh, again these three men. I soon noticed these older men who often are standing in front of Miyagawa Kaburenjo (Dance theater where Geisha & Maiko show their dance performance )waiting for Maiko to show up. They basically take Maiko's photos and present it to Maiko, and so on. Yes, they are groopy of Maiko! Really? Guys over 60's???? I first cannot believe that men over 60 are coming to see Maiko very often like a young girl who follows a rock group.  But I was impressed when I saw them waiting Maiko to show up in rain and snow.........